Ten fascinating facts we bet you didn't know about your skin!

Ten fascinating facts we bet you didn't know about your skin!

If you've been following along for a while, you'll already know that the skin is the body's largest organ.

And you're probably aware that products that treat the skin on a cellular level get faster, longer lasting and more noticeable results.

But, if you thought that was all there is to know about the skin, you're very much mistaken! To shine a light on the important role the skin plays, we've rounded up a few more facts to help you get to know the skin you're in on a deeper level!

Ready to be wowed?! Let's go!

Skin renews itself every 28 days

From forming deep within the dermal layers to making its way to the skin's surface before shedding and dying takes approximately 28 days.

During that time, brand new cells mature and strengthen through four stages (dry, improving, glowing and oily) as they travel up to the outer layer. Once the cells reach the surface, they're strong enough to protect the body from environmental toxins and pollutants, and lock in essential moisture.

Not all skin cells reach the same stage at the same time, so Biologi recommends a skin sequencing regime that treats the cells at all stages of the cycle.

There are strong links between skin and psychology

Stress, anxiety and depression can all take their toll on the skin leading to increased inflammation. For some, psychological conditions can contribute to the symptoms of existing skin conditions making eczema, acne, rosacea and psoriasis worse.

In a vicious circle, visible or uncomfortable skin conditions can bring on psychological issues and lead to a lack of confidence, anxiety, stress and depression.

Your skin makes up about 15% of your total body weight

The skin makes up the entire external surface of the body and totals approximately 15% of your body weight. Included in the average mass of almost 21 square feet are 11 miles of blood vessels and 300 sweat glands!

The skin has three layers

The epidermis, dermis and hypodermis make up the three layers of skin that each serve a different function.

The epidermis is responsible for providing a protective barrier that locks in moisture.

The dermis is made up of connective tissue, sweat glands and hair follicles.

The hypodermis – also known as the deeper subcutaneous tissue - consists of fat and connective tissue.

These layers can vary in thickness with the thickest skin is on your feet and the thinnest around the delicate eye area.

You can switch skin types

While you can't choose a skin type per se, skin types can change with age, hormonal changes such as puberty or menopause, or applying active ingredients to treat ongoing skin conditions.

Genetics don't determine how your skin ages

According to studies, about 25% of ageing is due to genetics. Up to 75% of ageing is a combination of lifestyle factors such as sun exposure, smoking, exercise and the active products you choose.

Good news for anyone who wants to get proactive with their ageing!

Lips can't sweat

Without sweat or oil glands, the delicate lip area lacks the same protection as the rest of the body. This is why it's important to give lips a helping hand with high-performing products such as Bl Nourish Lip Serum. The extract of blood red finger lime can be applied as an overnight conditioning treatment or throughout the day as and when required.

Lips are 100 times more sensitive than fingertips

The lips have more than a million nerve endings making them one of the most sensitive parts of the body. Lacking a protective layer makes them even more delicate so external protection is vital for the overall health and condition of the lips.

There's no such thing as perfect skin

While consumers have been conditioned to cover up spots, blemishes and breakouts, we encourage consumers to change the way they see their skin.

As long as you're applying ethical, active products that treat the skin on a cellular level while being kind to the planet, you're doing the best for your cells. Skin positivity is so much more than a flawless complexion which – newsflash - for many, may never exist.

The skin can be a messenger of overall health

If you experience an outbreak of dry skin, hives, a rash or itchy skin, this could indicate a broader health problem.

Skin disorders may have links to hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome, allergic reactions, chronic diseases such as cancer or nutritional deficiencies. Skin changes might not always indicate disease but always discuss with a healthcare professional if you notice any sudden, unexplained changes.

To learn more about the skin, visit our website or contact our customer experience team today.

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